Create Pricing Tables That Sell.

Easily integrate tiered discounts into your pricing table.

Create limited-time or limited-amount discounts
Customizable drop-in components, or prebuilt table
Works on top of Stripe, no coding required
Try FomoPricing for free
(No credit card required)
See it in action
Your customers want to pay, they just need that extra nudge.
Traditional static pricing is holding your sales back.
No incentive to be an early adopter
No differentiation from competitor products
Doesn't capitalize on the power of FOMO
There's a better way
Easily integrate tiered discounts into your pricing table
Drop-in components
Integrate into your existing pricing table with our prebuilt components.
Active discount
Show the current active discount. It will automatically update as discounts are redeemed by customers.
Discount color
Hide discounts available
Hide discounts remaining
Prebuilt pricing table
Get started quickly with the prebuilt pricing table. Customize the colors and sizing, drop it into your website and you are good to go!
Watch Your Sales Skyrocket
When You Use Tiered Discounts.
Why it works?
Rewards your early adopters with discounts
Creates a sense of urgency and desire for your product
Potential customers can see how fast your product is selling
Boost your sales in 3 easy steps.
1. Connect your Stripe account
Connect your Stripe account securely using restricted API keys. Super fast, no coding required.
2. Create your early-bird discounts
Create tiered early-bird discounts to encourage early-adopters and build sales momentum.
3. Add to your website
Easily integrate into your existing pricing table with our plug and play components. Or get started quickly with our prebuilt pricing table.
Kickstart your sales today

With FomoPricing you can easily integrate tiered discounts into your product. Tiered discounts create a sense of FOMO and scarcity around your product which in turn can help increase sales.

Simply connect your Stripe account and link your Stripe products. You can then create tiered early-bird discounts.

As the discounts are redeemed, the pricing table is updated and the price increases.

Currently Stripe is the only payment provider supported. Lemonsqueezy, Paddle and PayPal are coming soon!
No, we do not take any commission of sales through your pricing table. You keep 100% of the profit.
Yes! FomoPricing is designed to integrate with your existing Stripe products. You can add and remove the service at any time.
Yes, FomoPricing integrates with your existing Stripe products and does not make any changes to your products. It is safe to remove at any time.
Absolutely! We work closely with our customers and are always open to new feature requests. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to request a feature.